Monday, November 19, 2012

1930's Machine Age smoking stand
I ran across this piece in an old barn in Virginia
several years ago. According to family members
it was made by the owner's grandfather,
a machinist and pattern maker, in the  1930's
from scraps of heavy gauge copper and aluminum.
The glass ashtray has long been lost or broker, but the
piece is still a visual work of industrial art.
Dimensions are 28" by 16" by 9.5"

Saturday, November 10, 2012


Aluminum and Cherry Mirror Frame
I ran across this aluminum channeling
and re-purposed it into a
frame to hold a plate glass mirror.
The interior edging is wrapped with
narrow strips of cherry wood
that not only hold the mirror in place
but work as a great contrast with
the metal. 
The dimensions are 40" by 51"
Price on request